Miss Ainsley

- Crystal Lake South High School Graduate 2021
- McHenry County College, Arts of Education
- Aurora University, BA Elementary Education with LBS1 Endorsement
Training & Performance Highlights
- Ainsley has been dancing since the age of two. She’s done ballet, tap, hip hop, modern, pointe, ballet, and jazz.
- At Crystal Lake South Ainsley was a part of the high school dance team and made the Varsity team her Sophomore year.
- At the younger stages in her life Ainsley spent most of her time competing with Turning Pointe Dance Company but transferred to CGPAC to focus on technical training.
- Ainsley is continuing her dance teacher education through the CNADM training school each summer.
Teaching Experience
- CGPAC teacher since 2021
- CGPAC dance assistant, jazz and ballet (2019-2021)
- Youth dance teacher at Life Time Fitness
Ainsley lives in Crystal Lake with her mom, dad, and her 3 younger brothers and a sister. In addition to dancing and teaching Ainsley spends her time babysitting. Ainsley wants to pursue a career in education with elementary and special education, as well as continuing to dance.