Dance Recital Performances

Spring Recital 2024:
25 Years of CGPAC
Saturday, June 1st: Blue Cast at 2:30 pm
Saturday, June 1st: Yellow Cast at 6:00 pm
Sunday, June 2nd: Yellow Cast at 2:30 pm
Sunday, June 2nd: Blue Cast at 6:00 pm
All performances at Cary-Grove High School
Performance Days:
All dancers are called 30 minutes before the show time, and should enter the building through the front doors to the school. There will be volunteers there to help guide you to the Dancer Check-In station.
Dress Rehearsals at CGHS:
For rehearsals at CGHS, you can enter through the auditorium lobby doors and enter the theatre that way. You can take a seat in the auditorium and wait until your class is called!
For dancers with multiple dances in a cast, we recommend having a laundry basket with all of your costumes, shoes, and hair accessories to bring with you backstage to the holding areas. *PLEASE LABEL ALL COSTUMES AND DANCE SHOES! As you can imagine, with this many students in the same room, we don't want anything to get lost. Thank you for being proactive!
REMINDER: for all recital performances and rehearsals, students may not wear any of the following:
- Necklaces
- Bracelets
- Earrings larger than a stud (no hoops/dangly earrings)
- Earrings other than a gold/silver/diamond look stud
- Watches
If a student is wearing these, we will ask them to remove and put it in their dance bag, we cannot be responsible for prohibited jewelry that is sent to rehearsal or recital that is not allowed on stage.
Tickets are general admission, and will be sold starting in December. You have not prepaid for any tickets, therefore you will need a ticket for any show you want to sit and watch. At this point there will not be a limit on tickets.
$20 for adults (college thru senior citizen)
$10 for children (age 3-high school)
Tickets can be purchased in person at CGPAC or at any of the rehearsals/performances (cash/check payments), or you can pay through the DSP app (for card payments).
Dance Recital FAQ:
Who needs a ticket for recital performances?
All adults (college thru senior citizen) and children (age 3 thru high school) need a ticket to watch the show. For full info on pricing and payments, please click here.
Why do I have to pay for tickets if I'm already paying for classes?
We rent the theatre facility from D155 and it is very costly. We have to pay thousands of dollars to be there, pay janitorial and technical staff (and weekend rates), and pay teachers to be there, pay for insurance coverage to cover the facility, etc. Post covid, we have fewer students than 3 years ago, and the expenses have only gone up. Renting the amazing CGHS Theatre is expensive, but it is so worth it. With enough tickets sold, we hopefully break even at the end of the recital weekend.
Does my preschool dancer need a ticket to sit in the second half of the show?
Students dancing in Tot, Boogie Babies, and Kiddydance will be released to their parents at intermission, and are welcome (and encouraged) to sit with their family for the second half of the show. They do NOT need a ticket to sit through the second half of the performance they are in.
Does my dancer need a ticket to watch the other cast if they are not performing?
Yes, if your student is just an audience member for that show and is not performing in that cast, then they DO need a ticket.
Do I need a ticket if I'm a volunteer?
Yes and no. If you are volunteering during a dance recital (chaperones, runners, etc), you will not be watching the full dance recital. Therefore, you do not need a ticket. *You will be able to watch the monitors backstage and in the dressing rooms, but won't be able to sit in the audience.
If you're volunteering during a rehearsal, then yes you will need a ticket for the performance because you are not working at the show.
If you're volunteering during the swing choir concert, everyone needs a ticket because no one will be asked to work during the performance (as there is only one show).
Can my student leave after they finish dancing?
No, all students will stay through the full performance (the only exception is students in Tot, Boogie Babies, and Kiddydance who will be released to their parents at intermission). Teaching students to perform includes learning about being part of the whole cast, which means being part of cast bows and supporting the other students performing throughout the show. All performers are expected to remain backstage for the entirety of the show and will have a final bow with the cast. For full information on this, and to learn about the Early Release form, please click here.
For any other questions, please contact us at or call 847-639-3800.